Sunday 16 September 2012

Egg Lander

The Design
Our Egg lander design was to build an accordion to absorb the shock of the ground when the egg fell.  However we also added long legs on all sides so that in case the lander fell sideways the egg still wouldn't touch the ground.  The egg itself sat in a weaved newspaper basket sandwiched between 2 accordions.  We then connected the 2 accordions with 4 straws that went perpendicular to the accordions.  To help stabilize the lander in air we added streamers to the top of the lander.

The Results
The egg cracker.  The 4 connecting straws took most of the impact however these 4 straws also happened to touch the egg and I estimate that this shock broke the egg.

The Modifications
For the next egg lander we make I intend to create more space around the egg and have minimal straws touching the egg.  I also think the structure should be bigger and symmetrical on all sides so the egg could fall any which way and still would be safe.

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